I really like Vertigo's comics a lot. They're a great alternative for people who likes comics but cannot stand seeing men in tights. Well, i love both styles but anyway, i'm going to write a few words about how i feel about the famous Transmetropolitan's volume number one (i heard that there's a volume zero, so i guess volume one is not the first book).
Transmetropolitan, like Channel Zero, is one of those dystopian future stories that are out there which is increasingly getting popular in video games, movies and of course comic books. Well, what can i say ? Pessimism always sells and attracts people. But Transmetropolitan is not all about pessimism, it actually is pretty fun to read and the world that Warren Ellis and Darrick Robertson created is very funky! Man, we even have people who are half alien-humans (one half is human, the other half is alien, like terminator or two-face..seriously? What are they called ? Transcience? Transalien?) here that are protesting for their rights in the streets.
The main character is called Spider Jerusalem (very interesting character,indeed), once a very important protest journalist, decides quitting the city life and spends his last 4 years in a mountain, recieves a call from his ex-publisher that he still has a contract and there are some unfinished business. Ofcourse Spider goes back to the city, this time angrier then ever, ready to kick some politicians asses.
I must say, at first i really did not like this character but now i am at the 5th issue and seems like Spider and I are becoming good friends. If i would have to describe Transmetropolitan from what i read so far, i would say it's a cyberpunk with a lot of attitude and not deepressing like most of it's peers. The art style fits perfectly with the setting.
I'm pretty sure that the story and the comments in Transmetropolitan will get more serious as the story progresses. This is one of those series that i will continue to read.
But i must say, i really missed reading adventures of men in tights... Thank god the break is coming so i can read some !
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